Tuesday, October 17, 2006


And the Adventurous Dare Explore and Claim!!

There are places that the wounded souls come and unmask, and drink deeply of each others compassion and reassurance; Places young adventurous hearts come seeking something that they can’t quite put a name to; places that are sacred because generations have chosen to join as a compassionate community and come before an omniscient benevolent presence that knows each by name, and worship him. Criccieth is such a place. A place where a group of people have come year after year to drink deeply of each others fellowship, to take off the masks worn through the year in post-modern society and to be themselves, knowing they are loved and accepted as they are. It’s a place where we all thirst for during the year, not because God is contained to a field, but because it is one of those rare places where the ingredients for simple community worship is just right.

While there is some formal teaching in the evening worship meeting, my experience of real teaching comes from that one perfect sunset or on that river bend as you kayak down stream, or battle to climb Snowdon despite all odds. The parables drawn by the Spirit are much more potent than any human teaching. It’s a place that is special to individuals because it is where significant markers in their spiritual journey can be counted from. It is for many a Penniel, where issues are battled with and laid to rest, pockets of pain & fear are confronted and resolved, and for some quite simply the place where they encountered the Divine and found him to be within the grasp of a very personal perception.

Bu t most of all it’s a place of fun and laughter and adventure, a place for living because it is the Fathers joy to see us enjoy his gifts of creation , choice and life!



Moments from Criccieth 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 28, 2006  

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