Monday, November 27, 2006

WHAT I DID LAST SUMMER; Liverpool(Summer 06)

Given the millions of pics I seem to have taken this summer, it seemed a pity not to splurge some on the blog. Especially since it is less pain staking than e mailing them all to people. So Enjoy!!!

Austin Summer BBQ!!

Angela/ Austin Team (L-R) Steven Panter (Austin Senior Student), Caroline Kewley (Angela Resident Tutor), ME (SRT), James Harding(Austin Resident Tutor), Cris Clayton (Angela Senior Student),

According to the grand traditions of the Christ of Notre Dame Halls we celebrated Austin Day (we can’t figure which St. Augustine the Hall is named after, despite my many e mails to the various orders connected to the colleges and hours spent researching old archives!!! so if any one remembers please let me know!!! The current favourites are Augustine of Hippo or Augustine of Canterbury!!) Despite the amnesia of its’ haloed ancestors it is a great reason for a massive piss up!! (or so some of my degenerate students would say !!) And a chance for students to have a day off from the revision before Finals!!!

It was also a chance to heave a sigh of relief for my Residential team!! Having lived through a colourful year, the team deserved more than a pat on the back. Despite the fact their jobs involved spending much of their time in the police stations and hospitals; we still managed to have enormous amounts of fun as a team!!! The many team meetings held at the many Chinese and Indian Restaurants on Allerton Rd, or over Caroline’s mums Sunday roasts, and the many working expeditions to the student union (obviously to make sure the degenerate students were behaving themselves) probably had something to do with it!! I even had fun at the fortnightly Dining in Nights (no don’t smite me! notice I said I rather than We!!!), where I had the pleasure of forcing students to appear before me at a formal sit down meal (in black tie- well the student interpretation of black tie) and listen to the Fellows of Hall talk about flesh eating bacteria (and you think I am joking- incidentally one of the best guest lectures we had). Despite the frenzied fun it was also a time to admit to ourselves that it was a privilege rather than a perquisite, a place where we can bring in our own idealistic vision in the attempt to create a collegial community. To drink deeply from the satisfaction of being in a profession that provides both fun and fulfilment, a position where we have access to the most fecund place in the human life span and a creative opportunity for change. Guys it was a fab year!!! Thankyou for EVERYTHING!!!

Austin 05/06

Angela 04/05


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