Saturday, May 05, 2007

MISTLETOE & WINE; Liverpool (Christmas 06)

The Eve before, the Dawn before the Eve before Christmas

Christmas had crept up on us as it always does; those displaced around the country were recalled to the snuglly little village of Childwall, and ALL was well with the world!!

The Dawn before the Eve before Christmas

True to tradition (and at the insistence of Mathew) we had the dawn before the eve before Christmas party. WE were a little merry a little tipsy and if you deny the night's events I seem to have got digital video evidence LOL.

Christmas Day

Boxing day (St. Stephen’s Day)

Many, Many Eves before the Next Christmas

It was a wonderful time of reflection peace constantly intruded upon by tipsy merriment, and we were all grateful. And if I had been asking deep and meaningful questions like the meaning of life and this journey on earth... here was an answer; Fun, friends, life for the moment and joy!.. JOY that conquors ALL!